Tuesday, 26 January 2016

10 properties of ginger

Posted by admin on 07:37:00 with No comments
Ginger is one of the most popular in traditional Chinese medicine plants; In addition, it is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to combat respiratory diseases, arthritis and digestive problems, according to a study published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.

Spicy and aromatic flavour, it is recommended to consume it in moderation and accompanying other foods. Because it is very rich in essential oils, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids gives many benefits to the human body, such as the following:

It decreases the rheumatic and menstrual pains

It is effective against influenza and colds, to promote expectoration

Improving blood flow, so it prevents cardiovascular diseases

It eliminates the dizziness and vertigo

It is a natural aphrodisiac, stimulating the libido

It is a natural antidepressant

Combats premature aging and reduces stress levels

Reduces migraines by blocking the effects of the protasgladina

It prevents the colon and ovarian cancer

It facilitates digestion

To enjoy the benefits of this tuber you can ingest it through infusions, in smoothies, juices, salads, casseroles or desserts; whether in dust, cool, dissected, in tablets or syrups.


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