Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Elderly hearing conservation attention to diet and health

Posted by admin on 21:59:00 with No comments
After the old, physical function decline, prone to Vertigo, tinnitus and other issues. This is health care, in addition to diet, there are some considerations to note. Here's health points.

1, iron foods

Note that iron supplements, can effectively prevent and delay the emergence of people ringing in the ears, hearing loss in the elderly. People over 45 years old, will focus on iron supplements. Iron-rich foods include seaweed, shrimp, jellyfish, black fungus, black bean, black sesame seeds, parsley, Lily, etc.

2, zinc foods

Content of zinc in the body is very small, but its role is very large. Studies have shown that people who suffer from tinnitus and deafness in the elderly 1/3 zinc deficiency in the body, people over 45 years old to ensure that 15 mg of zinc a day, so as to maintain zinc balance in the body. Zinc-rich foods liver, whole grains, nuts, eggs, sea cucumbers, oysters, etc.

3, vitamins and food

Vitamin c, vitamin e improve the effects of human superoxide dismutase enzymes, promote the utilization of oxygen and improve peripheral blood flow, can play a role in protecting the inner ear. These elements are mainly in a variety of green vegetables and citrus, walnuts, peanuts, just usually eat it. Vitamin d promotes the body's absorption of calcium, medical studies have found that many elderly people who suffer from tinnitus, tinnitus, is closely related to the lack of calcium in the blood. These elements are mainly in liver, eggs, mushrooms, white fungus.

4. kidney foods

In Chinese medicine, kidney opens into the ears, hearing the recession has a close relationship with kidney deficiency. So the elderly can take kidney medication under the supervision of a physician, such as liuwei dihuang pill, Jin GUI Shen Qi Wan, turtle-old pills or drinking walnuts porridge, Sesame soup, peanut soup, pig porridge, for hearing conservation has helped.

Protect the elderly hearing notes:

1. to avoid noise

If the elderly are exposed to noise, will start hearing more fatigue, spasticity at the tiny blood vessels of the inner ear, insufficient blood supply to the inner ear, the hearing will rapidly decrease, even suffer from noise-induced deafness. Therefore, older people should be to reduce noise interference to hearing.

2. give ear

Old people like to use ear spoon, ear such as matchsticks. This is due to the physiology of blood circulation in the elderly, ear secretions decrease, dry, sometimes feel itching, intolerable by ear after stimulation, you can get temporary relief. But in doing so easily bruised ear caused by infection, inflammation, and even damaged eardrum. Scientific method is the ear canal itch become intolerable, use cotton swabs dipped a little alcohol or Glycerin, gently wipe the ear canal. Oral administration of vitamin e, c and cod liver oil, itchy inner ear can be eased.

3. drug use

Old people, more disease, older people often use antibiotics, but is in need of attention, the use of antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, and not too much at a time, or take too long, and other drugs can be used interchangeably, can also swap with Chinese medicine treatment.

4. the regular massage

Hearing loss in the elderly, and blood circulation also has something to do with the inner ear, and local massage increases blood circulation, can keep listening. Massage Yifeng point (earlobe after the depression), the hearing of cave (depressions before the earlobe and Yifeng point across the ear symmetrical) sooner or later each time, 5-10 minutes at a time.

5. emotional stability

Old people to control their emotions and mood swings can cause autonomic nerves in the body loses its normal adjustment function, cause ischemia, edema in the organs of the inner ear and the auditory nerve dystrophy, sharp drop in hearing or deafness. 

Elderly hearing conservation to take eat more food in favour of ears, but also to take care of.

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