Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Longevity of the elderly 9 magic

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After China entered the aging and health issues became the focus of attention of the elderly, elderly people how you want to live longer? small series introduces several of the following methods. Longevity of the elderly

1. slow suck

"This refers not only to tobacco control and prevention of asthma," libonisi said, "any factor that affects breathing will have a negative impact on the health and life. "You breathe also affects other physiological functions of the body, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood circulation and body temperature. Libonisi believes that the first step is to relax the abdominal muscles to breathe. After when the abdominal muscles are relaxed, the most important thing is to give yourself enough time, exhaled gases in appropriate ways. For example, length of the inhale breath twice times the length.

2. learn to snack

Studies have shown, do not eat a big meal is very important for your health. Therefore, you should learn to snack. First of all, to know your hungry every 2-3 hours, eat a small meal. If you are going out to dinner, then eat half and take the rest home, as a later snack. Secondly, eating more fish, and smaller fish such as wild or organic salmon, fresh sardines. Again, don't forget the fiber-rich foods. Libonisi recommend eating 25 grams of fiber a day of food, such as whole wheat, whole oats, brown rice and other food. Others are rich in fiber include beans, nuts, fruits, and so on. Finally, daily supplements of multivitamins, with particular emphasis on vitamin d supplements. In addition, the Resveratrol in red wine and grape juice, and fish oil is good for health.

3. sleep sleep

Many have the notion has taken hold, that is, 8 hours of sleep a day is best for health. But libonisi said, things are not quite like that, because sleep is good or bad. If you need an alarm clock to get up; needs a NAP every day; when reading or watching movies sleeping or dozing, may indicate that you are not getting quality sleep. At this point, the libonisi suggest that you choose, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises help you fall asleep. Also, keep the sleep environment dark and quiet. Keep in mind, carefully feeling his health, when the body needs a break signal, must go to bed.

4. dancing with music

"Rhythmic movements than casual sport more beneficial to the body. "Libonisi said. "When our body according to the music rhythm movement, our heartbeat, breathing can be unified in the beautiful rhythm. "However, you don't need to go to a dance class in order to achieve this purpose. Naturally into dancing life is a piece of cake, you can exercise with the music, or with the music in the bedroom, twist the body. Like the "dancing" at least twice a week.

5. emotional communication

Humans are social animals, so we need social contact and Exchange. This communication includes both and friends, including children and relatives. Libonisi said that among them, the most important thing is to learn how to express their feelings and tell people around that you love them. Meanwhile, subscribing to a magazine about love. When you feel sad, flipping through this book, you'll find something beautiful, pressure will disappear.

Unusual longevity methods

1, career longevity:

Conductor, monk, painter, shepherds, longer service life. From a medical and physiological terms, write and paint to improve the cortex and autonomic nervous function, improve blood circulation, relieve stress and neurological disorders, eliminate sorrow and trouble, fatigue and emotion strained. Keep practicing calligraphy and painting, on the development of aesthetic taste, cultivates, rest the brain, improve health, and plays a subtle role.

2, micro-hungry and longevity:

Fed little mice, its life than it can eat as much as they were fed as much like 1 time times longer. Humans take this "youth diet" that can live up to 120 years. So, "low hunger" why should animal and human health and longevity? because cell death is an important factor in aging and mild hunger will stimulate the body's potential to make it save the cells did not die. Of course, "small hunger" differs from the term in a State of hunger, which can lead to malnutrition, and "low hunger" is not simply and blindly on a diet, but eat less, foods low in calories and nutrients, especially foods high in vitamins.

3, low temperature and longevity:

Because of the low temperature, slow energy release to life. Experts pointed out that, if the human body temperature drops 2 ° c~3.5 ° c, human life can be from the current 70 to 150 years. For example, people who live in cold longer 10-30. Thus, prolong life, and hypothermia methods available. United States biochemist Dr Trew trial when a freezer, freezer every night sleep, can cause a person's body temperature drops below 15 ° c or so, next morning the freezer automatically warming to 37 ° c, people can live and work as usual. If this method is generalized, and applied to people's daily life, "cold life" is significant.

4, illness and longevity:

United States life insurance company has conducted a survey of hundreds of more than a century, the results are surprising: the infirm often live longer. With the development of modern medicine, the sickly longevity has become an indisputable fact. According to the medical research: human risk of developing certain diseases after recovery, but strengthened the defensive ability of the disease. Incidents in the life of such a person, and sickly in his youth, and old age. Furthermore, tasted the taste of pain of the patient, good care of their bodies, their ill treatment, insisted exercise exercise. Because of illness, they are no longer indulge, take the initiative to fight with the disease. In addition, as a patient, knowing that "anger kills", so it is not competitive, don't sweat the small stuff is angry. In this way, energy consumption is relatively slow, "going" to extend their lifespan. 

To sum up, are four strange method elderly live longer, but these methods are more extreme, only suitable for a small number of people. Therefore, for most seniors, according to own actual situation, to choose the method most suited to their longevity.

Above is the longevity of the elderly, elderly friends to develop exercise every day, maintaining an optimistic attitude and other good habits.

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