Monday, 28 December 2015

Girlfriend of mafia murders continued instance: willing to support his

Posted by admin on 03:35:00 with No comments
Hong Kong Zhou (nicknamed "shrimp") in San Francisco, was charged with murder and other counts alone trial. He continued to argue, confess to having received United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) undercover investigator money, but denied any knowledge of payments involved in criminal activities. Shrimp-Chinese girlfriend Alicia Lo also appear at today's hearing, talking about love with the shrimp.

The prosecution, shrimp charge a federal undercover agent money for criminal purposes, shrimp countered each other for respect and offered him money. He acknowledged that former Mafia boss Zhuang Bingqiang (Peter Chong), taught him to charity events to establish a positive image to cover up the dark side of crime, but denies involved in community and charitable activities after his release from prison in recent years is the same trick.

The prosecution also presented him with "Jordan" (Federal undercover alias) conversations, revealed shrimp referred to the deceased, before achieving Allen LEUNG (Alan Leung) to destroy his business. Shrimp argues that dialogue, "Alan Leung" as an error, of syllables similar to actually say "I learnt". Who destroyed the prosecution asking whether it was his business, he did not respond positively.

Shrimps with girlfriend Alicia Lo wore black sleeveless dress, stepped into the Court and greet shrimp, believing that "he won't do (kill) this kind of thing." But she confirmed that shrimp are often on different occasions received red envelopes.

But the focus is falling on her big love with the shrimp, she said the two men met at a bar, red light with her ex-husband's marriage. Two people in 2008, dating, living together the following year. When it comes to getting along, and most of her big shrimp dating and living expenses are paid by her and found no problem: "he couldn't afford these expenses, he is my boyfriend I love him. "But she was the shrimp out of the House in early two years ago, hope someone can reduce the whirl.

Zhou Zhi Gong Tang before the murder of 56 leading Allen Leung and murder rivals Jiang Daan, also charged with 162 charges such as extortion, smuggling and money laundering. He served 20 years for committing crime, 2002 was released from prison.

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