Tuesday, 8 December 2015

United States for the first time for wounded soldiers to implement the penis transplant

Posted by admin on 00:53:00 with No comments
United States, the New York Times reported on 7th, next year, or even within a few months, Afghanistan a US soldier injured on the battlefield will accept United States first penis transplant. If the operation was successful, United States will gave a lot more wounded soldiers the same operation for the treatment of "the hidden wounds of war."

Reports said United States well-known at Johns Hopkins School of medicine doctors have been implemented in 60 cases of penile transplant, they assessed the candidates, assessment of one has entered the final link is expected "soon" will be placed on the waiting list this person and transplanted to the penis will be coming from deceased donors.

Operation, which is expected to last about 12 hours. In the meantime, doctors will connect 6 nerve, 6 or 7 root vascular penis attached to the donation, such as the wounded body. Graft failure, doctors will be donated to the penis removed and stressed that even if you fail, surgery is also not worse than before surgery. If the transplant is successful, they urinate wounded will recover in a few months and some degree of sexual prowess.

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Surgery surgeon cosmetic surgery department director Li Weiping stressed, having a penis transplant for wounded soldiers is "a realistic goal", as long as their scrotum is intact. However, do not believe surgery can solve all the problems.

Operations are expected to be $ 200,000 to $ 400,000, of which the first operation costs will be paid by the Johns Hopkins School of medicine, and rear rejection drugs and surgery will be covered by the United States Government. If the operation was successful, the University said, will require United States Government to pay for more surgery.

Li Weiping said current experimental surgery for wounded soldiers on the battlefield, without regard to transsexuals.

According to the United States Department of Defense statistics, from 2001 to 2013 only, in Afghanistan and Iraq, nearly 1400 American soldier on the battlefield the penis was injured, almost all of whom are under 35 years of age.

Some doctors believe that penis transplantation is not required surgery, against this kind of surgery. But supporters stressed that the parts of the body organs of self and identity is strongly associated with men.

According to the report, the world had implemented two penis transplant surgery. Completion of the first case in China in 2005, but psychologically unable to accept patients wife, transplanted to the penis is removed in surgery 2 weeks. More recently, South Africa lost a man circumcised penises, and later received a penis transplant operation allegedly was a success.

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