Monday, 28 December 2015

Google doodles: Merry Christmas!

Posted by admin on 03:28:00 with No comments
Christmas comes to within a few days, Google continues through a variety of graffiti to greet the new year, and keen-eyed people can find graffiti origami to the content these days, through the printer image output, through the clip folding stick into the housing figures, so as to create a Christmas atmosphere. In addition, the Santa Tracker enabled Google from the beginning of December has been released in December every day a different play, content, people can be a complete Christmas and coming new year atmosphere.

Generally, States for Christmas of custom are has different, and majority familiar of Christmas symbol and activities, such as Christmas tree, and Turkey, and Christmas wood, and Holly, and quercetin parasitic, and Christmas laid a wreath at the, and mutual gift gift,, almost are is Christian from early Pagan of winter solstice holiday custom absorption and to, but taught cases does not tries to ban pagan festival continued for, instead allows Christian missionaries to its doctrine will this class custom again explained, so let most pagan custom to with different form retained, or maintained as.

However, early part of Christian theocracy boom areas, such as England under Cromwell, and early colonial New England and other regions, Christmas celebrations have been classified as prohibited items, even after the Russian Revolution, Soviet Communist regime of the Soviet Union a full ban on Christmas celebrations for more than 75 years. Even today some Christian factions of the fundamentalist Protestant organization, as well as some Christian new religious movements such as the Jehovah's witnesses, still will be found to be without Christmas accepted pagan festivals of the Bible and Reject participation in the celebrations.

As with northern hemisphere winter style of Christmas decorative and Santa legend, is is Christmas celebrates custom in Nordic popular Hou began spread, and is located in southern hemisphere of Australia is for latitude problem, about in December will will official into summer, so does not popular ski ringtones and hot cocoa, many Australia people this paragraph time will embrace Beach, and prawns lunch celebrate Festival, way play several round cricket celebrates, and also into summer of New Zealand area typical Christmas dinner is roast lamb, sometimes will used " Hangi "this hole or stove cooking and popular dessert Pavlova (Pavlova) cake.


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