Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Tokyo Auto run drive the audience into focus

Posted by doll on 01:19:00 with No comments
Tokyo Motor Show debut today, this year focusing on self-driving cars, environmental science and technology, as well as having a similar flat-panel touch screen, lock the digital generation concept car.

Agence France-Presse, the daily mail reports, published 1 car Nissan electric car that claims to "shake the relationship between car and driver, and moving way in the future."

Tokyo Motor Show this year entered its 44th session, a total of 160 exhibitors, including international automobile manufacturers and parts makers from 12 countries. Until November 8.

Nissan CEO Ghosn (Carlos Ghosn), said Nissan planned for 2020 before driving technology in a variety of models, also plan next year, the fastest in Japan experimental vehicle drive on the highway.

Other Japan manufacturers will show off the latest concept cars at the auto show, including the Toyota "Kikai".

This eye one car, will often hide in internal fuel tanks and piping exposed part can understand the mechanical structure of the car from the outside, bring to mind "the terminator" (Terminator) series in the picture.

Pioneer electric Nissan concept car, the class flat-panel touch screen and replace the door handles and buttons, white screen on the dashboard controls and map.

Screen can play music, video games and films, attracting generations of smartphones.



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