Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Apple WiFi Assistant function and trouble claim is $ 5,000,000

Posted by doll on 09:13:00 with No comments
AppleInsider reported that Apple iOS 9 built-in WiFi Companion feature were class-action lawsuits, the plaintiffs sought compensation from the company $ 5 million.

At present, users upgrading to iOS 9 system, iPhone or iPad will be a "wireless local area network assistant" function, this feature enabled by default, weak WiFi signal automatically when using network data networking.

The intent of this feature is to create a more seamless user experience, but some users complain that this feature led to the increase in their knowledge of data traffic, led to their data plan runs out.

The lawsuit documentation shows, the plaintiff William Scott-Phillips (William Scott Phillips) and Susan Schmidt-Phillips (Suzanne Schmidt Phillips, guessing both should be a couple) because after updating to iOS 9 spend data fees (litigation which how many are not listed), plaintiff claims that Apple should indemnify 5 million u.s. dollars. Since Apple does not explain features and announcements until media reports of complaints.

Such lawsuits in the United States are not uncommon, but it suggests that the company's new features really caused a lot of trouble.

In retrospect, the iOS 9 line when Apple did not inform of this feature, some users found it and on social networks, with "Apple help operators jumped the flow" sort of spread.

Apple launched in October when a WiFi assistants support pages provide detailed instructions explaining: "for most users, this feature enabled will only bring them slightly higher traffic than the previous. "Because it is not in some traffic-intensive applications, such as live streaming media, games and activates automatically in the background.


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