Sunday, 25 October 2015

The large Hadron Collider could find a parallel universe?

Posted by doll on 04:01:00 with No comments
CERN's Large Hadron Collider. At present, the machine is running at the highest energy level, hope to detect evidence of micro black holes, which are considered to be "the multiverse" key.

"Gravity Rainbow" new theory (art) is used to explain why the large Hadron Collider did not find miniature black holes. Einstein's theory of relativity, gravitation is the result of bending space and time, while "gravity Rainbow" noted that the bending of space and time, different because of the different energies of particles.

Faizal said: "typically, when people think of multiple universes, they will think of many world interpretation of quantum mechanics, each of these possibilities is achieved ... ... This is not what we call the parallel universe. We have said, is the real universe is in the extra dimensions. "Above, multiple universes.

Holographic model suggests that gravity in the universe comes from the slender, vibrating strings. These strings are of a more simple, flat holograms of events that occur in the universe. SINA science and technology news, October 23, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, the large Hadron Collider (LHC) was found "God particle" hero, now it may soon detected a "parallel universe". According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reports, located in Switzerland at Geneva, the European Centre for nuclear research (CERN), the Collider is running at the highest level, hoping to detect black holes, which are considered to be "multiple universe" one of the key symbols.

Now scientists are working on analysis of the data collected since June this year. This experiment might have triggered the panic of some people, they worry about the large Hadron Collider the world to ruin. However, the scientists say, this ground-breaking experiment would change our perception of the universe.

"On like many Zhang Diego up of paper as, II dimension of objects (width and length) can exists Yu three dimensional (height) in the, parallel universe also can exists Yu more high of dimension degrees in the," European nuclear research center of employees, and Waterloo University of Mir Faizal professor said, "we forecast, gravity can penetration to additional of dimension degrees in, if does so, that LHC on should can manufacturing out micro black hole. ”

"Usually, when people think of multiple universes when they thought of by many world interpretation of quantum mechanics, each of these possibilities is achieved. This cannot be verified, therefore only philosophy, not science. "Faizal added that" this is not what we call the parallel universe. We are talking about is located in the extra dimension of reality in the universe. ”

Since the beginning of June this year, the large Hadron Collider particle collisions can amount up to twice times find the Higgs boson, which makes detection of micro black holes might for the first time. Each time the LHC collisions, there are billions of particles flying out, CERN detectors will track the particles to understand when and how they appear, and how they produce.

Theoretical physicist at CERN, said the collision may clearly reflect that exceeds the length, width, depth, and the other dimension of time. Parallel universes may exist in these dimensions, but according to theoretical speculation, only to leave our universe of gravity into the extra dimensions.

Scientists believe that if the extra dimensions exist, they can reduce the energy needed to manufacture black holes. Faizal said, these black holes have not been detected, is because the current model is in very high energy amendment. In a recent study, the new "gravity Rainbow" (gravity's Rainbow) theory is used to explain why the LHC micro black holes is not found.

Einstein's theory of relativity, gravitation is the result of bending space and time; and Rainbow theory of gravitation, bending of space and time, different because of the different energies of particles. Therefore, if gravity Rainbow theory is right, then the gravitational effect of the universe will lead to different behavior in different wavelengths of light. This also means that different energy particles in space-time and the gravitational field will move in a different way.

According to the Rainbow theory of gravity, scientists detect mini black hole in the LHC need higher energies than previously thought. By June, LHC search mini black hole in the 5.3TeV energy; the new study says, that number is too low. Study predicts that six-dimensional black holes may form on the energy of at least 9.5TeV, ten-dimensional black holes 11.9TeV of energy, so that they can be detected. With 13TeV energy of the LHC are currently running.

Ahmed Farag Ali at Florida State University, said if micro black holes really are detected as predicted in the LHC, it would prove the existence of extra dimensions or parallel universes. "If the prediction of black holes in the energy level was not detected, then there will be three possible," another scientist Mohammed Khalil said, "one is extra dimensions do not exist; the second is that they do exist, but are much smaller than expected; a third possibility is the Rainbow theory of gravity parameters need to be further amended. ”


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