Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Qi Gong exercises away from the small penis

Posted by admin on 08:36:00 with No comments
Introduction: small penis whose main side effects and affect the normal sex life. Current knowledge about small penis there is some errors, for ordinary men, if after the erection of the penis, you can have sex, it does not belong to small penis. The main is to increase blood flow to the penis increase penis, male treatment of small penis can try using qigong.

Qigong can increase penis 1, you can use qigong, qigong health care function is very good, not everyone has the basis for qigong. In meditation when sank after pubic region, when dantian when full, heat, the penis is naturally erect, which is youthful actinolite. At this point, should keep maintain this erection until the end of meditation. This is the most natural way to increase blood flow to the penis.

2, less blood flow caused by local factors and local factors is through stimulation of the genital and surrounding tissues, increases blood flow to the penis streamer.

3, proper physical exercise not only physical fitness but also enlargement penis can be achieved remarkable results, aerobics is very respected, which maximize the benefits of aerobic exercise are able to fully stimulate the circulatory and respiratory functions, thus conducive to the functioning of the body to function correctly. When the circulatory system at the best of times, increased blood flow to the penis will follow, of course.

Health reminder Men also do not blindly compare penis, because each situation is different, as long as the penis length within normal ranges on the line, do not blindly for growth, because sometimes the blind increase will bring greater trauma to the body of the penis.


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