Tuesday, 26 January 2016

4 incredible tips to strengthen the penis

Posted by admin on 07:24:00 with No comments
Does size matter? This is perhaps least overnight intimate with your partner, because what really should be interested in is performance you have during the meeting with your partner, so it is important to strengthen the muscles of the vagina and the penis.

According to Marianne Leyton Lemp, couples therapist, details which strengthen penis, the couple can enjoy more pleasure because left because of the desire and not by concerns.

You may also want: 5 tips for caring for your penis: Mayo Clinic

Follow these tips and enjoy!

1 does a better erection. To recover energy in the male reproductive system, just give a small massage in the testicles, to increase testosterone production which helps revitalize sexual energy and strengthen erections.

2 pamper you. After the testes massage. Take the penis and the scrotum between your index finger and thumb and pull them forward, while you push your pelvis back. Pulling to the left and then right and ends down. Repeat 9 or 18 times.

3 get weights. It will seem incredible, but with the erect penis it binds two objects one at the base and another near the Glans, they must weigh the same. Lift them slowly and repeatedly to strengthen the muscle. Remember that not you should strive more than necessary. 

4. sand. Fill a container with a dry and soft sand. Put a condom on your penis erect and is inserted gently into the sand. Avoid sudden movements. Do 20 repetitions.

Other measures that you should take into account is that your mind should be completely relaxed during intimate encounters, this way will ensure that your performance will be the ideal and that will surprise your partner to the maximum. And you, how strengthen your penis?


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