Sunday, 3 January 2016

2016 Apple might bring us what surprises

Posted by admin on 10:05:00 with No comments
2015, investors do not get any benefits from the Apple's stock. In any case, the tech giants are busy launching new products this year, including Apple Watch, and Apple Pay, Apple Music, Apple TV, and of course, iPhone 6S.

iPhone 7

There are many rumors that Apple will launch iPhone in 2016, 7. IPhone fans will be pleased to know that the iPhone 4-inch display can put messages. Rumors is perhaps the most controversial Apple intends to remove the headphone jack, which means that the user will have to use the Bluetooth headset or headphones that use Apple Lightning interface. Other rumors include Apple camera might be upgraded to twin-lens, or launch a waterproof iPhone.

Apple Watch 2

Reportedly, the second generation Apple Watch 2 to be launched in 2016 on the Macworld. New Apple Watch is expected to be more lightweight, more modern design. Yahoo Finance senior editor Aaron Pressman said he would like to see Apple's improved processor performance and extended battery life. Monitoring function of sleep is also controversial, Pressman said, Apple may try to make improvements to these features to better integrate into the user's daily life, because Apple Watch at this point and failed to attract consumers.

IPad upgrade

Don't expect list in 2016 will have a new iPad, Apple iPad Pro 2015 launched. But the user might see a lot of software upgrades, especially the upgrade of app stores. Apple hopes to encourage application makers can introduce more professional (of course, this price ... ), So you can better play the iPad Pro screen bigger, quicker advantage of the processing instruction.

On the Apple store will be more tall?

Apple could increase investment in the field of virtual reality. Faceshift technology of Apple's recent acquisition of facial recognition company, part of the company for the latest Star Wars movie special effects. For now, Google, Samsung, and even Facebook is increase investment in this area.

Apple did not too much involved in the field of Internet of things. Pressman said that Apple may also introduce more interesting hardware, for example automatic camera, door locks, or light bulbs.

In General, Apple this year is very busy. But investors are still more concerned about is whether these new products will stock downturn has improved. Apple in 2014 to hire Angela Ahrendts of Burberry before managing its entity and network retail stores, a lot of people think Apple store decoration became more extravagant. In this regard, Pressman noted that Ahrendts was in some stores are equipped with a luxurious France-made wireless microphones, each valued at $ 2000. To add more luxury high-end accessories in-store sales played a role.

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