Friday, 25 December 2015

Self satisfied how to avoid "sexually transmitted diseases"

Posted by admin on 22:37:00 with No comments
As he grew older, surging sex hormones in the body after puberty, sexual organs and accessory sex gland maturity, sex will gradually accumulate, when accumulated to a certain extent, are excreted this impulse. For those who have sex without intercourse, masturbation becomes a reasonable and commonly used to relieve sexual tension means of catharsis.

STD sexually transmitted disease (STD), referred to by sexual contact, like sex and indirect contact with infected a group of infectious diseases. Them not only in the genital disease can also be spread violation of important organizations, organs of the body. Common STDs include gonorrhea, pointed Condyloma, non-gonococcal urethritis, syphilis, chancroid, genital herpes, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases PI Lymphogranuloma, abdominal inguinal Lymphogranuloma, Genital Candidiasis, vaginal trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, pubic lice, scabies, molluscum contagiosum, hepatitis b, and so on. They all have one thing in common, and are caused by infection with pathogens, that is, you must have specific microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, can cause the onset of susceptible individuals and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, these pathogen transmission between individuals.

STD must have a source of transmission, transmission, susceptible to these three conditions can be formed. Specific sexually transmitted diseases caused by different pathogenic, such as Treponema pallidum causes syphilis, gonorrhea, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. People generally susceptible. The main mode of transmission is through sexual intercourse, accounted for more than 95%, so, dirty sex, multiple sexual partners who are the most susceptible to the disease. In addition, indirect contact with contaminated items (sharing towels, bath, etc), fluids and blood products (blood transfusions), drug addiction (common tube), organ transplantation, mother (via the placenta, vaginal, breast milk), cross infection in hospital will be the dissemination of certain sexually transmitted diseases.

Theoretically, masturbating masturbation main tools are his hands or utensils, if its not to bring bacteria, hands and utensils are not exposed to STD pathogens before, even masturbation (transmission) and no source is not infected with STD. Therefore, as long as usual to observe good personal hygiene, keeping the vulva clean, do not share towels, clothing, dishes, and even razors, syringes, go out to selected restaurants, hotels with good sanitation, for General masturbation masturbation in a way people will not be infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

But there are exceptions, if masturbation hands before contact with disease patients or article without a thorough clean, or between same sex and the opposite sex through exposure to each other's genitalia, masturbation, and one of them is sick, you will have the chance to spread and infection of sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, masturbation and physical wear and tear, can also lead to excessive friction on the genitals, wear common wrapping, severe bleeding under the skin or infections, systemic and local resistance, resistance to various pathogens including STD pathogens weakened, increased risk of becoming ill.

Although masturbation is damage to both the mind and the body does not produce medical experts and sexologists, recognized the fact that frequent and excessive masturbation can cause certain effects on the body. For example in spirit psychological Shang will caused tired, and trapped idle, and listless of symptoms; on urinary reproductive system, too to friction sex organ will makes skin mucosa damaged, serious of will led to skin Xia bleeding, and wrapping edema even embedded meal and needed emergency surgery, or appeared chronic pelvic congestive, and no bacteria sex prostate inflammatory, and fine SAC inflammatory, and bladder inflammatory, or future of impotence, and premature ejaculation, and not ejaculation and climax obstacles,.

These similarities with the STD symptoms, but these would only be referred to as urinary tract, reproductive system, or mental illness, don't know who will think that she had "sexually transmitted diseases", due to face often shy away from regular hospital treatment, wrong street quack quack, and waste of money and time delayed diagnosis and treatment, causing serious psychological and physical burden. Non-STD pathogens causing urinary tract, reproductive system diseases, cannot be called venereal diseases. Even STD STI pathogens infection is not entirely caused by a dirty sex, not ashamed of nature on the hospital and the true people with bad behavior, more time should be treated, excluding them from more serious consequences for development and clean it is prudent.

Science treats masturbation, to adopt a correct attitude, without fear, without resistance, without attachment, not excessive, making it better for their own services, maintaining genital sensitivity to sexual stimulation, promotion of good health. Should also increase the knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex.


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