Friday, 25 December 2015

How to teach children about gender issues?

Posted by admin on 22:12:00 with No comments
Woman accidentally found still in high school daughter had had sexual relations with her boyfriend, which made her very angry. After talking with her daughter, and that his daughter, think this is a very normal thing. This makes the mother is very confusing, now I really don't know how to deal with such a sensitive issue. As parents should do with this thing?

First should conduct dialogue on an equal footing with his daughter calmly, not like most parents use scolding and hated the angry attitude in dealing with this matter. To recognize that her daughter is at a growing stage, her health is very important, you should make sure that she can grow up healthily and maintain good relationship between mother and daughter.

You don't have to forgive her so aggressive sexual behavior. Meanwhile, in order to make the development of your daughter's health is correct, don't underestimate the power of mother suggested. Show your dissatisfaction about what happened, and asking whether she had fully taken into account, but don't put pressure on her, these stress-free questions will make you ashamed of her daughter. You can tell your daughter, learned that her sex, you feel, you should say why not consult with you before having sex with her? you should take place in the appropriate age to such an act. I understand that this is your life, no matter what you do, my mother is still in love with you and for you.

And asking her which birth control methods are used. Taking into account the students ' understanding of physiological levels, you should tell her the appropriate birth control measures, even if she makes a mistake, not more serious situations.

Considering that so many complex contraception, your daughter and her boyfriend might have used a condom during sex to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. But also strongly suggested that she injected some sexually transmitted disease vaccine, the vaccine can prevent the occurrence of some diseases such as cervical cancer.

And don't forget to talk details in some of the feelings and their real thoughts. Make sure she knows that mother's main objective is to not let your daughter get hurt, in a relaxed atmosphere for such talks, does not damage your relationship between mother and daughter.


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