Friday, 25 December 2015

Woman having sex for the first time what is the best time?

Posted by admin on 22:17:00 with No comments
Masturbation is a simple and secure way, to resolve their own needs, but also harmless to others. Also, does not advocate that people marry too late, so not good for both physiological and psychological. ”

United States scholar's latest research shows that if women "firsts" push too late, will also have a negative effect on sexual function.

This study was conducted by United States Colombia University and New York Psychiatric Institute "HIV Center for clinical and behavioral studies" research personnel. They analyzed data from the 1996 national sexual health survey found that those people vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases early initiation of sex because their partner may not be clean enough, or that they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol completed sexual activity.

But the study highlights, those 23 until after the age of loss of virginity, and prone to sexual dysfunction, such as sexual arousal difficulties, such as erectile dysfunction or inability to achieve orgasm. And longer, more serious problems.

Researchers said young people delaying sex for the first time, to a large extent under the influence of psychological factors, such as fear of intimacy, not confident about her body, was also worried about bad sex tips, to leave a bad impression. In addition, many young men and women for sexual misconceptions, also easy for them to have sex at a respectful distance. Girls are common misconceptions that "good girls should not be eager to enjoy sex", it was easy for them with regard to requirement of self-isolation, time can easily lead to sex.

United States experts believe that women's sexual psychology is one of the biggest obstacles was ever offered they want, this could lead to a lifetime of disappointments, sexual disorders, orgasm disorders. For men the wrong idea, on the contrary, they may blindly worship, think "conquering the girls more, more embodied men."

This understanding will add unnecessary psychological stress for many young men, which "looks awesome", fear is not strong enough, good enough, wrap step forward before the sex. The study also confirmed in clinical.


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