Wednesday, 9 December 2015

"Mission Impossible 6" actress finalized Swedish actress Rebecca - Ferguson return

Posted by admin on 09:15:00 with No comments
Time-v mission impossible Director Christoph-maikaoli at the beginning of this month to determine the 5 will continue to be directed by the sixth part of the Mission: Impossible series, and recently finalized the disc 6 seems to have a heroine, one-stunning Rebecca Ferguson is expected to once again play the world's top-grossing films.

United States Showbiz 411 Web site recently broke the Sweden star has been with the mission impossible 6 pieces of signed contracts, will continue in the sequel to star in former military intelligence agency agent ILSA-foster, but the news has not been confirmed. If you don't count the Michelle Bridget moynahan in mission impossible 4 trailer cameo nature of return,-Rebecca Ferguson is expected to become the first in the series on two consecutive plays an important role in the movie actress.

After the mission impossible 5, Rebecca-Ferguson CA ensued. She was determined to join crime film starring Michael Fassbender of the snowman, also is expected to co-operate with the Fassbender Ridley Scott's sci-fi masterpiece alien: Compact, and Emily Blunt and Luke Evans horror film starring the girl locked in a seat on the train. In addition, Ferguson will star in the Emperor, had been the leading lady, and Channing Tatum play, man power, she was mistress of the book Captain Marvel Super Hero

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