Sunday, 1 November 2015

Men want what wife on the bed

Posted by doll on 07:21:00 with No comments
Brutal passion points. John, 24, confessed: "I like to pull my wife passion hair. "During sex, woman light pulling hair, biting the teeth marks, passing information to the man is her true passion and devotion.

Sex tricks often retrofitted. Alex, 21, said: "most men want sex stimulation, try foreplay like, experiment with different poses. "Sex linked will provide both sides with different kind of stimulation, however, should be to do conservation, safety first.

Don't pay much attention to men's sizes. Alfie dennen, 28, said: "men care about their size, but they do not want a woman to care too much. They want a woman who say ' you are awesome! ' and ' feels really cool! ', ' has never been so cool! ' Men will focus on skills such as words of encouragement. These confidence men. "Does not exist between penis size and sexual technique is in proportion. No matter the size, so long as tips can make a woman more ecstasy.

Woman body confident about yourself. Hoboken, 32, said: "when they first married, wife is always wearing a bra to bed. I think this is because lace bra is pretty, but because she did not like her breasts. This makes me think that she not only insecurity, but is not very comfortable to be with me. "Both men and women, in times of passion, most won't notice is their so-called" handicap ", men love confident women.

Men want to be praised. Brian, 25, said: "as we all know, women love compliments. In fact, men need to be commended. "You really cool tonight!" I like that shirt! " Such praise will make a man happy, more easily into the role. Comfort is sexy. John, 34, said: "the high grade lace underwear is sexy, and comfortable cotton underwear also lets the man significant increase in sexual interest. "As a result, those flowery, but not comfortable underwear or less wear better.

Send a photograph to men. Matt, 24, said: "we belong to the ' self '. Women occasionally send a photograph to men, even in very tight, wet hair, men are very pleasantly surprised. ” Having to respond. In terms of sex, men are more sensitive and insecure. Chris, 30, said: "when a husband wife sex hints to start when, if she is look dull or indifferent, not response to any likes or doesn't like, so her husband will be a huge blow. "If the wife was out, no sex, so might as well just tell her husband.

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