Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Chasing crown road you can not see James in: on peak and ultra vires

Posted by admin on 09:24:00 with No comments
James is the leader of the team, after training, he and Jones, Mike Miller, feet together in the ice bucket, discusses how culture transplanted to Miami Heat team Knight, Jones, Miller are just role players, James must play a leadership role. "Dynamic leadership, you don't feel tired," Jones said, "you cannot train at home, to this, to let them see your efforts, to follow your example. "James wants to show his training and rehabilitation process, but knees and backs are not accepted. "That was the most difficult," he said, "I told them to preach, tell them how much I train hard, how do all, but I really couldn't, because of injuries and is killing me. "He also worried for themselves for the team," why do I do it? "He asked along manxisi said," I can. ”

James heard his heyday has passed, as if he were like Tim Duncan. "What is your peak? "James and wondering," really, what time is it? I do not know. The age of more than 27-30? Still to be 31 years old? Who will define the age? ”

James admitted the injury was age signals, but does not explain why he had to take so many singles and tough shots. In Miami, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade playing together, they use 50% field goal percentage bet who can exceed 50% will win. Miami could win 30 minutes, but if James was 7 of 15 shots, he'll blame himself a dubious fadeaway jump shot, while Knight no one cares.

"My team for three years in the same rhythm," James said, "we just need to take a look at each other. If you have never been in a hole in the fight, it's hard to have that trust, and sometimes a little lonely. "James adapted to Knight's new lineup, and Knights in adapting to the new environment--anything that happens here is magnified. James is no stranger to these, but in Cleveland, became emperor, his stress even more. James lost early last season, a former NBA Coach and asked him why he did not due to knee and back, but to the brain.

"I have too much useless thoughts," James said, "and sometimes affected, and then I think of the great Pat Riley taught me: to distinguish between primary and secondary, focusing on the most important thing. ”

James on January 13 back to the Knights, he on holiday for two weeks in Phoenix, is good for both the mind and body to rest his back injection of anti-inflammatory drugs. Knight suffered a 6 game losing streak that night, but James back to life. Comedian Frank Klein visited the dressing room, he imitated the Morgan Freeman's voice reading the return of James published in sports illustrated in an open letter then hit off Charles Barkley to fire Smith, Knight's new signing J.R-.

Kalienduo believe that the Knight will turn, they are in the rest of the season with 34 WINS and 9 losses. Real catalyst in here a week ago, James know Mozgov Knight from the nuggets to get, also knew the team wants to obtain from the Knicks Schubert with Smith, but dare not hold out much hope that two transactions have occurred within 48 hours. Knight Squad are patched, reinforced the confidence of James. "It made me feel good," he said, "Griffin (General Manager) and I put my best. ”

Relationship between player and not only the General Manager, coaches, other players and he is so, James special, no one like him so important to the Knights. Griffin asked James about the deal, of course, the latter may also contact the target player. "People always think he gave us all the requirements, he never did," Griffin said, "it is that people want to believe, because he is LeBron James, he had that power. I believe if he went to Dan-jierbotena said, ' David Griffin must leave, or I'll go, ' that I definitely had to go, but he will not do it, he's not like that. He wants to be the best player on the planet, the best leaders, this is he spent all of his time wanted. ”

Thompson summer contract talks could have been ugly, because his friend Ricky's agent, James Paul. But James Reject involved. James did not like abuse of power--"people power to control," he said--but the timing. James, David Blatter to give him the power to attack free play, he will be put to good use. "Coach is the captain," James said, "I'm just one of his generals. "Others might laugh at LeBron James in Cleveland, General Manager voice bigger than Peyton-Manning. "We want our players to commit yourself, helping the team to succeed," said another General Manager, "too hard may be a place he was criticized, just as the 0K problem. ”

The past two months, James publicly to Sepp Blatter (' not lost any coach of the League ') and low (' attack key points ') courtship. "Some of the players you have and good elsewhere, some players stare, kick their butt," Loew said, "you must understand human nature, knowing how to deal with them. LeBron is smart, he knows how to make the best out of us. "Loew was marginalized in Knight's first season, most of the offensive in the three-point line. In June this year, Loew and James meet in a hotel swimming pool in Los Angeles, he has decided and Knights to renew, but I still wanted to talk with James. "The first thing I told him was, ' five years later we have a better understanding of each other, our relationship will be even better and will be more understanding on the pitch. ', "Loew said. They discussed how to make adjustments, "what do you want me to do, tell me," James said, "If you want me to do, just say. ”

James may be an exaggeration, but represents his recognition of Loew. Loew had left shoulder surgery in the summer, so far averaged 19 points, 11.5 rebounds, his data and position closer to the wolves. "Certain games I found myself voted in 10 three-pointer, I would think that what the hell," Loew said, "but I had more opportunities in the paint and rebounding. "Loew was full, he can grab the Board after sending out a beautiful assist, hockey assists, and open space.

"He would sometimes let myself down, I wish I could understand it," James said, "he didn't want to tell anyone about ideas, but now, I can speak to his real, knows what he wants to do, he can help me. I hope he will believe in yourself, understand that at the moment his importance to the team. ”

James starving for companionship, in the NBA's first season in Miami and last season he was challenged in the first year. Knights of the second year after the reunification, Sepp Blatter, and James hook in training shoulders, mimicking the way he spoke at the press conference after the game. "Came to the arena every day was exciting, you and your goals the best players," Blatter said.

James recently passed rider training room, sees Owen and Schubert in the inside. "You come back, we are complete! "James shouted. James is a very approachable team-mates, he would play on the plane, arranged team dinner, reserved for each location. "Players like him," Griffin said, "he and his team-mates as the same one, but when he wants to win the enthusiasm, nobody likes him, he is very strict, cannot accept his team-mates screwed and will let you know. But later on he was also on the plane and you're playing cards.

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