Thursday 19 November 2015

IS the new film warning threatening attacks New York-Times Square

Posted by doll on 06:48:00 with No comments
After the terrorist attack in Paris, around into a terrorist attack panic, "Halifa" (IS) on Wednesday issued new film threat will attack United States New York Times Square United States State Department warned that terrorists may be in the Vatican, Milan, Rome and other attacks, also said that Italy had been informed of relevant information.

IS Wednesday's latest short film for about 6 minutes, pieces of men celebrating a successful terrorist attack in Paris, it was said in Arabic, it was said in French. Zhihou France President Francois hollande statement pieces after the attack, said one IS militant attacks in Paris is just the beginning. Lens shift into times square, picture of a man making a suicide bomb, then bomb tied to the waist, appeared live photos of the streets of New York. End appeared "next will be more intense." Fragments hinted at attack on Times Square.

Deputy Director of the New York Police Department, Davis said they have noticed this new video, but received no immediate or specific threat information.

Also, some images in the video, had in April this year, IS claimed to have appeared in the short film of the attacks on New York, but New York Police will continue to maintain high vigilance, because films reflect the goals remains the terrorists attacks in New York.

United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) spokesman said the FBI notes about the video and the "terrorist threat to New York" in the media, and to fully investigate.

Mayor Bai Sihao said in a statement late Wednesday in New York, to create fear of terrorists, but New Yorkers will not be intimidated.

Meanwhile, the United States Embassy in Rome sent to national security information that terrorists may take advantage of a terrorist attack in Paris means attacks Rome, Milan and other places. Information that the Vatican Saint Peter Cathedral, the Duomo, the La Scala Opera House and other landmarks, or a terrorist attack the target.

Italy more landmarks into the destination

In addition, Rome, Milan, "General purpose", such as hotels, churches, synagogues, restaurants, theatres and so on, are also potential terrorist attack targets.

US urges nationals to be vigilant, and Francis "weekly meeting", continue to be held in St Peter's square on Wednesday, but security improved.

Has reported that the United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) to Italy 5 dangerous data was transmitted to the Government, but did not disclose any details about the data.

IS propaganda film, threatened to attack the Vatican.

In Rome, the evening post reported, United States Embassy in Rome on Wednesday found a suspicious backpack, authorities called bomb disposal experts investigated and blocked the street.

Europe improve prevention levels

Sweden wanted to catch criminals

In addition, Denmark and Sweden also raised terrorist attack threat level.

Sweden the terrorist attack threat level increased to 4th level for the first time, was the first terrorist attack in the history of the country risk upgrade to this high level. Sweden pointed out that security services, the police are pursuing a claim of plotting terrorist attacks to make. Since the outbreak of Paris after the terrorist attack, Sweden has been in a State of high alert.

Sweden intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies Director of Thornburg said at a news conference in Stockholm, the capital, the authorities have issued arrest warrant arrest suspects. But authorities have not released his identity.

He said: "we are actively seize the man. "However, he declined to confirm media reports the suspect was in Syria for Jihad Iraq man.

Meanwhile, Denmark police said in a statement: "after being attacked in Paris, Denmark police internal defense level raised to ' significant preparedness ' level. ”

They cite the uncertain situation in several European countries, and therefore considers it necessary to enhance readiness.

However, it is revealed that Denmark intelligence service (PET) did not change for Denmark under terrorist threat assessment remained at "severe" levels.

In Denmark raised alert level after a few hours, someone overheard two men talking about HID bombs in his backpack and then alert police immediately evacuated a Terminal at Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen for all.

The two men were arrested after the police said they were just joking.


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