Friday, 4 December 2015

Most men hate women 10 kinds of behavior: delete the game, ban alcohol and tobacco

Posted by doll on 04:26:00 with No comments

First, delete his computer games

You probably because the game takes up his time that belongs to you and annoyed. Angrily to the "rival" annihilate not wise, the game not to give his laundry to cook, how can you compared! Men playing the game is a child, you deprive him of happiness, aroused his rebellious, not only can not divert his energy, but yo widowed Huan he would vent their anger on you 100%.

Second, in his wallet and cell phone to set up your photos

It appears that these moves on a woman who is more cute! Adult men and women of each occupation, apparently can be mental or physical, set your photos on his cell phone screen or in his wallet place your ID, but these little girls playing coloratura. He would rather you bears your mark on him, do not want to open your intimacy in the mobile phone and wallet, after all, men do not want to seem petty details.

Third, lost his A piece

"?? Is it not enough for you my charm I do not why he had to give up these discs too low" If you think so, it made a very basic mistake - you simply can not be compared with an invisible scratching their opponents compare! Those who have to avoid loneliness and boredom of tools, it can be like you worship Takeshi Kaneshiro, even though it is far away from life, but still feel ambiguous fantasy.

Fourth, the simulation of the classic movie plot

Each woman will be on some of the classic movie scenes and endless dialogue feel romantic, but do not expect he will follow the story as something you do the same. You feel romantic thing, perhaps he disagree, unless you want to share certain erotic film's plot with him, he would be happy to actively cooperate with, or otherwise do not think too much of it, so as not to affect your memories of the story.

Fifth, forbade him to smoke or drink

This is a common problem women often guilty, if he wants you to do for him is no longer skin care and body sculpting, will you? Do not think this is irrelevant to the two things, smoking, drinking is most indispensable man in the world where spiritual nourishment. Its ban him, as from the perspective of his concern, advised him to cherish life, away from alcohol and tobacco, while backup point quit hangover snack.

Six false you had an accident

Do not test his love in this way, otherwise harm he had a fear of small, began to lose trust in you is great. He strained your safety and not fully proportional to the degree of love you, imagine an ordinary friend happened danger whenever he is a righteous man, will be the first time arrived at the scene, not to mention you this weak woman is his wife .

Seven, to give up his fraternity, accompany you to attend sister group

When your relationship is unclear, do not easily challenge the friendship between men, just as you can not be his close friend question your friendship same reason. If he has to be your private property, so his friends need you trying to maintain, even if he loves you too big day, it does not prove that he is willing to give up with the brothers drink at the bar, talking about some topic of men, and to become Your girlfriend to showcase vase. Want to open a little, give a rare one another bachelor party now!

Eight, he vowed to cut off dealings with ex-girlfriend

If he himself is kind of breaking up nor friends of man, then this one is another matter. Facts have proved that men have a moral and courtesy, will not help the former girlfriend ignored or friendly contact. If he continues to cut old friends, then you need to do is to rethink your relationship, but he vowed not to cut off contact with the ex-girlfriend, the most disturbing is probably force a man to guarantee or promise you, this will take you an awkward dilemma.

Nine, habitually say "I love you"

For women, the most beautiful words, exactly what men fear to say three words. Strong action men prefer to use proven components of these three words, inarticulate man might express this idea by SMS or birthday cake, while those of humor most men choose the easy way to get around this fatal sentence. Wise woman or do not spend a lot of time to train men habitually say "I love you" was.

Ten, with the European Cup, World Cup PK stood on stage

Intelligent woman who has learned to retreat, the husband of fans high concentration of energy in the moment, we still put personal grudges in the fridge, delicious drink to wait on him and say hello to the living room filled with buddies child smile. Big deal around the house as a football club, than they are watching on the outside, do not care to have a line of sight into the Spice Girls, right? Only one reason: you let the "World Cup" ranked first, after which he will love you, you're going to "World Cup" PK, "Super Girl" can not be you! Source: China News Network

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