Saturday, 28 November 2015

Kun Ling holding dog appeared to coax her daughter bizhoujielun strong

Posted by doll on 03:47:00 with No comments
Artist Kun Ling-funded help families to open a coffee shop, today hold the dog "Machi" appearance, she says with a laugh, take care of her daughter and started completely, and coax her husband Jay fiercer.

Kun Ling attended the activities of the Huashan 1914 creative Park this afternoon, holding the "Machi" coming out, trying to make money, want to say can help your family dream, invest about NT $ 5 million Yuan to open a coffee shop, my husband did not pay. Store in Taipei's Hsimenting shopping district, with coffee and food, décor, and is expected to open in December.

She said that sister specializes in coffee and flowers, she was enjoying a cup of coffee, flowers and art before, and drink coffee, go learn lahua, from a simple leaf, love, enough to draw faces and "Machi" face.

Talk about taking care of daughter "Hathaway" Kun ling, start running around in circles, getting started now, but sometimes the daughter burst into tears do not really know what is crying, can only try to placate; was asked to compare with Jay who can coax a child? She smiles back "that should be me", MOM chest top, children would be more comfortable.

A bit cold lately, Kun Ling said, holding her daughter wants to wear a lot of layer masks, and referred to the "Machi" and daughter compete, used to hold it, now holding her daughter, that is not the same as before.

Asked if Jay and daughter to compete? Kun Ling Xiao "is feel like I did not carefully listening to his speeches", and two people are very busy, but the reconciliation of family and work, and feel pretty good.

Wanted to finish in 28 years ago 3 tires, Kun Ling said, "Yes, hope to have twins", but the family did not seem to twin gene, may one by one slowly.

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