Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Woman helping her husband through the Woods

Posted by doll on 09:35:00 with No comments
Climax sex life makes people passionate, but occasionally will encounter danger. Designate of the male society, Chinese Medical Association Chairman, Professor of Andrology Center of Peking University third Hospital Director Jiang Hui told the Times reporter of life, will encounter some unpleasant moments in a man's life, there are 3 crises, namely, new wedding, "the seven year itch", and andropause. This 3 stages, can extend the men's sexually active.

"The new wedding date" means not long after his marriage began sexual life. Male encounter sexual disharmony or fertility problems. "This man's lack of knowledge about, excessive ejaculation, erectile dysfunction may appear inadequate, sex life and a wide range of physical reactions, after infertility, and fear and anxiety. Further these negative psychological affect performance, creating a vicious circle. "Jiang Hui said to relax, learn more knowledge. Meanwhile, the wife of comfort, care is the best "vaccines", helped her husband to lay down their mental burden and to play easy.

Zhihou, is "the seven year itch". Someone may want to be married for many years to have a headache, but it may begin in 35 "itch". Two people live together, and are daily care of sick, schooling for children, the elderly and other daily chores, prone to fatigue and decreased libido. "The left hand touching his right hand" of ordinary life, so passion when the couple never married. Jiang Hui suggested that married a long time, husband and wife should pay more attention to communication, try some new ways to regulate married life. "Women have to change shape, dress sexy lingerie in sex; both recall the love of romantic and occasionally may want to try role playing games to keep the freshness of spouses. ”

Men aged more than 40 due to reduced testosterone, will see a decline in mental, physical and sexual desire, go to "menopause". Men will irritability, anxiety. At this time, couples must understand that this is a normal physiological stages. Although the men are no longer alive when he was young, his wife may also be vaginal dryness due to menopause, but can still have a happy sex life. Usually some sweet, caressing, kissing, sex supplement is good. In addition, men no longer work like before, or participate in intense sports activities, you need to adjust the content and objectives of work.

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