22 IU now love, career, money under a dying breed, even into the dog, but you see where her public appearance was not a face full of collagen, as if always look 16 years old.
Last week, the "national sister" IU know Grace Lee released her and Korea singer Gee River romance, says two people have two years, was also exposed the gap entirely through the work date. Shortly thereafter on October 11, IU's new album, notice instantly occupied the major entertainment news headlines, not only makes one wonder how romance is not for the purpose of exposure of new album hype. But then again, only 22 IU now love, career, money under a dying breed, even into the dog, but you see where her public appearance was not a face full of collagen, as if always look 16 years old?
Volkswagen always has a sense of affection to his baby-faced star, so in addition to the beautiful people songs sweet IU popular youth and she always gives a lovely, full of young girls is inseparable from the impression. Today, small series with everyone together, IU sense of how this girl?
We all know Korea girl's skin was known for good, and IU know Grace Lee's skin is one of the best, seems almost no difference before and after makeup! On makeup, she looks like porcelain dolls, Suyan her skin is as white and pure, even more tender than makeup looks so good skin is how many girls dream of.
Because the working relationship, IU often make up, due to fear of long-term are chemicals in cosmetics makeup clog pores, so holds dutifully say they do not work when basic was without makeup, rubbing sunscreen on the face to go out, nothing else to clean.
But in order to avoid daily makeup was not thorough enough, IU in the rest of the time like "the naked face", let the skin rest, the pores can breathe freely, natural, less prone to skin problems.
Singer IU, the workplace is most often to be in the Studio, but due to very bad air circulation in Studio conditions, so every time when you need to work long hours in the Studio, IU did a few hand prepared.
1, bulk glass: for ordinary people, the 2L water intake a day is enough, but in a relatively confined space such as IU of people working long hours, you need to get more water. More water in addition to outside the skin moisturizing benefits, skin colour, facial glory, blood circulation and overall impact.
2, moisturizing facial mask: whether in the Studio or not, IU will always carry more moisture mask, sometimes cramming before makeup application, makeup as a whole will break a lot.
3, steamed face instrument: IU in the Studio and home, placed a steam face machine, mainly through the dissemination of a steam steam face, facial skin pores open, this will not only help the skin to breathe, and can help to remove dirt contaminants of the face, and even acne. Water molecules through pores into the skin, you can better face kept moist, and good blood circulation, skin Ruddy gloss. Steamed after the stop face down for some time, and then spread the follow-up care products.
IU taeyeon advanced table girl muscle more than singing of popular female singers burst Red
Posted by doll on 05:35:00 with No comments
Categories: Entertainment
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