Some lovers fall in love, vows and soon step into the House of marriage, however, when the bride and grooms on their wedding night found no pubic hair, when there are no armpit hair, pull down the face cannot but insists on divorce. Original heart and devotion of a husband's image suddenly disappeared, why is that? The husband heard about the "woman without pubic hair, armpit hair is Tiger, Guan Yin, and happy marriage life. "Or" White Tiger cuff. "
In the scientific development of young people believed in feudal dross, is incredible. There are many young women's menstruation for many years, physical development is normal, the only drawback is no an armpit or pubic hair, and she's too shy to public bathroom, and all the shame and worry, wrote to ask whether can affect sexual function after marriage and childbirth. Is there a way to make them grow pubic hair and underarm hair?! In order to answer these questions and creatures break the shackles of the shackles of superstition, it is necessary to explore the female body hair (pubic and armpit hair) process and mechanism of growth.
Normal female body hair much lesser than men, color, length, thickness, density of disparities also exist, such as individual differences. Of course, they are also associated with factors such as race and age, such as oriental sparse body hair than white people in Europe and America. In addition, the distribution of female pubic hair is not typical of the inverted triangle, and shield-shaped, rectangular, trapezoidal and other distribution forms. Pubic hair is one of the signs of sexual development, consistent with the breasts begin to develop its growth can be divided into 5 stages:
First stage: until the age of 11, no pubic hair growth, distribution of only fine hair on the pubic mound, pale, called infantilism.
Second stage: 11~12sui, sex hormone-stimulated by pubic hair started, first in the labia, and Mons, appears light, thin, soft, straight hair.
Third stage: 12~13sui, pubic hair color deepens, starts to get tight, hard and thick, long, curly, cover the triangle of pubic mound;
Phase IV: 13~14sui, continue to become dense, similar to adult female appearance, its upper bound to Mons, has not yet been extended to the inside of the thigh, not expansion.
Fifth stage: 14~15sui, pubic hair bushy spread widely, to roll up the entire vulva cover, cover labium downward along the pubic symphysis, suitable for anal, up inner thigh, a typical adult female pubic hair.
Armpit hair appears later, in female secondary sex characteristics are usually the final appearance. Jue most will not acquired until after the age of 17.
Human hair growth consists of androgen and estrogen control and restriction of growth of their hair on different parts of the body with specific stimulation or inhibition, and distribution of hair would be different for men and women, and other primates, this gender difference, the mystery is what is difficult to explain. Estrogen promotes the growth of hair, while androgens inhibit the growth of hair on both sides of the forehead, and men's thick hair than women, and presents specific recessed hairline. Male hormones stimulate the growth of beard and chest hair, estrogen inhibiting their growth, so men have a beard and chest hair (yellow, rare), while women are both free. Estrogen and androgen on armpit and pubic hair have a stimulating effect, therefore, women and men had growth of armpit and pubic hair (pubic hair distribution vary for men and women). The growth of body hair for men and women is mainly affected by androgen secreted by the adrenal cortex (dehydro-epiandrosterone) control. When women hair loss can occur when low adrenal function, after the injection of testosterone the hair and revive when the male beard stopped growing after the removal of testicles, but armpit and pubic hair has not changed.
So why are some women without pubic hair and underarm hair growth? One of the reasons is the low Androgen levels in women; his second reason is pubic and axillary hair follicles receive androgen receptor in androgen-insensitive or other defects, but also some which no such receptors. When the pubic and armpit hair height with sparse or absent called little hairs, roughly 2.5% of the population. Most less hair syndrome woman of endocrine, and menstrual cycle, and sex features development, and sex function and the birth force are is normal of, so less hair syndrome is health rational of, not effect they of health and happy of marriage life, without for this sadness cunduan, more don't gullible myth of lies, for superstition by around, hope future no longer so and occurred family disintegration, even suicide of tragedy.
Worth mentioning is also has a few less hair belonging to the pathological, such as a sex chromosome abnormality called Turner's syndrome, genetic disease, the patient's chromosomes for 45,X, less a sex chromosome, is neutral chromosomes do not separate the process of sexual maturation or lost. This female gonadal insufficiency patients, show low, webbed neck, breast hypoplasia, genitals childish, the mound less glabrous or hairy, complicated with amenorrhea due to ovarian follicle-free, are able to have sex without the fertility. With hypothyroid women no armpit hair, pubic hair is also scarce, can have sex but obviously low libido. Pure gonadal dysgenesis with less hair, mild treatment to restore fertility. Postpartum bleeding can cause low pituitary function of Sheehan's syndrome, patients extreme emaciation, amenorrhea, infertility, gradually shedding hair and pubic hair, weakness, extreme low libido. But these lesions more obvious other symptoms often visits due to other problems, if less hair with a lot of other physical changes, do not take it lightly, it is best to go early hospital, treatment or processing.
How do some private parts of a woman is not a long body hair
Posted by doll on 05:48:00 with No comments
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