Friday, 22 January 2016

Males penis persistence methods

Posted by admin on 07:32:00 with No comments
History shows that through "fitness" increase penis size has a history of thousands of years. Modern medical research and clinical trials have confirmed that exercise can increase the length and girth of the penis. Not only that, the study found that fitness is not only good for penis. "Male impotence exercise", in addition to increased penis size, can increase the hardness and durability, increase semen quantity, improve the level of performance in the sex. And these will be helpful to men's daily life, particularly in terms of confidence and spirit. According to the analysis, penis exercise principles are basic characteristics of the body to adapt to the environment. For example, a construction worker carrying heavy loads on a daily basis, so his body is used to the intensity of the work, his muscles became stronger. One, milking method Also known as the JELQ method, which was invented by ancient nomadic Arab impotence, the main thing is similar to "the milkmaid" movements squeeze the penis, increase guiding erect penis (CorporaCavernosa) into the blood volume, and achieve the purpose of increasing size. It is said that if you frequently do the JELQ, penis size is also larger.

1, by gently massaging the penis, within the body to keep blood in the penis.

2, with your thumb and forefinger, grasp of the penile shaft (bottom) all caught, use your index finger and thumb an OK sign, will catch and caught in the middle of the penis.

3, with your thumb and forefinger and squeezing around your penis and slowly slide forward, forcing the forward flow of blood within the body of the penis cell thin-walled and Glans.

4, every time you move forward during milking, space will be forced to in the blood within the penis becomes larger. When the Glans direction forward with one hand milking the other hand grasp the penis. So exercise, one-second intervals.

Second, penis stretching There are many penis stretching exercise, but all of the movements have the same principle: stretched penis length. Stretching for a long time, will constitute the tissue of the penis length increased, the circumference is not so obvious.

Three, muscle exercises Famous Kegel exercises is not the penis itself, but to control ejaculation, muscles of the abdominal wall, also known as the PC muscle (pubococcygeusmuscle), by exercising this muscle men can extend erection time.

Kegel exercise includes improvised movement and normal movement in two ways.

Simple actions can exercise at any time: 1, standing, arms crossed at shoulder, toe a 90-degree angle, medial heel width with the armpit, and clamp. Hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat this action more than 20 times.

2, a simple pelvic floor muscles (pelvicfloormuscles) movement can sometimes have, to the law of contraction for 5 seconds, 5 seconds, walking, travel, Office when you can.

Normal daily exercise: 1, lie on your back, knees bent, shrink muscles of the buttocks up ANI. Close the urethra, vagina, and anus (they are the pelvic floor muscles brace), which felt as urgent, but unable to go to the toilet needs to be closed in urine.

2, keep your pelvic floor muscle contraction for five seconds, and then slowly relax, 5-10 seconds after repeated contractions.

3, sports race, breathing, keep other parts of the body relaxed as usual. You can touch the abdomen, abdominal crunch, indicating contraction the wrong muscle group.

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