Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Male genital age 4

Posted by admin on 09:28:00 with No comments
Everything old "little brother" is no exception ... ... Older people are changes in many aspects of wrinkles, body bent, even the penis in "aging".

1, penis appearance has changed

United States-Irving Goldstein, Director of sexual medicine Alvarado hospital Dr, men to more than 40 years old, would gradually lose the Glans red and purple colors, mainly because of the reduction of the blood running. Due to the drop in Androgen levels, penis, pubic hair will be increasingly sparse, gradually restored to the preteen hairless State.

2, size "shrunk"

With increasing age, male weight gain is a common phenomenon. Male health at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City Planning Department Director Ronald says: "in some cases, abdominal fat penis will be buried.

The length and thickness of the penis can also change a bit. If a Western male in more than 30 years old, after the erection of the penis is 15 cm long, that he arrived at the age of sixty or seventy, perhaps only about 12 cm. ” Result in penis shrinking for a number of reasons, such as the slow deposition of fatty substances in the small arteries of the penis (spot), can interfere with blood flow to the tissues and organs, which as we all know, blockage in the coronary arteries can lead to heart attack is the same process of atherosclerosis.

Meanwhile, no sheath continuous deposition of elastin elastic fibers, also make erectile dysfunction blood perfusion of space is relatively narrow.

3, the penis more "curly"

If the uneven accumulation of SCAR, the penis may become bent, this is known as Peyronie disease most common in middle age it may cause erectile dysfunction, pain, dyspareunia, therefore patients should actively seek medical advice.

4, the penis is not sensitive

Many studies have shown that, over time, will reduce penis sensitivity, which can affect erectile dysfunction, delayed orgasm.


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