This is the Apple company participating in the event for the third year in a row, is also the second year in a row in the Apple Store retail stores around the world to carry out this activity. For most people, "programming one hour" is a rare Word, it is, therefore, Apple's Senior Vice President of software engineering, Craig Fedrighi (Craig Federighi) on Friday calls Sina science and technology online, explains why Apple about this activity.
Hour of Code, Chinese name for "programming one hour", this activity was initiated by the, computer science lectures aimed at encouraging participation by teenagers, reduce the threshold to get started programming, so that they no longer think programming is a mysterious and elusive thing.
This activity on the phone when Fedrighi is given a set of numbers: so far, already has 465 stores to participate in the activities, and cover to China. More than 1400 global talks is expected to have more than 10,000 young people will be educated.
Programming hour is not the depth of education, just as in Apple's retail stores free photo or video clip tutorials as, it is enlightenment.
According to Fedrighi's argument, and program activities the aim is to give young people an hour were the door to open a program, it's a spark, may help teens change their way of thinking or promote creativity, or even become their future career direction.
Fedrighi comments may be made, is his own code of agricultural origin, and can be said to be small children: at the age of 10, was sent by his mother to related courses started programming, then realized it was his thing to do for the rest.
70, young began his road to programming Fedrighi with Mac. Then enter the NeXT company, also joined the company. Now, as head of Apple's software, in recent years, the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) can see his shadow on the stage.
In fact, Apple is not the initiator of this activity, if traced back, many Silicon Valley companies have been involved in programming hour, its originators is a public institution, the sponsor is a former Microsoft high Guan Hadi-Hadi partovi (Hadi Partovi), and received the support of many Silicon Valley executives. If you look back at the last year's news, you'll find such as "Microsoft invited the children of migrant workers to learn programming," "Barack Obama United States first programming President" or "Zuckerberg and the gates to the United States 10 million students taught computer science" such as reporting.
Fedrighi explained that Apple's advantage lies in the Apple store, as we said at the beginning, Apple store had just sold the products where, at present, it is the gathering place of Apple fans. Staff are good at product information what is the corporate culture here will be passed to the user, this is the Apple store beneath the glossy appearance of the kernel. IMovie is cut in the past, GarageBand Music Editor tutorial, now joined the programming classes.
"Apple's in-store environment is good, but on the other hand, these elements are located in the downtown area, can attract a limited number, how to enhance audience? "Sina science and technology made this problem, Fedrighi advice is to online learning platform, so that everyone can participate.
In addition, students from poor areas of China are still many Fedrighi when it comes to the matter said Apple hopes to extend coverage of this event, to cover more area.
On this event, Apple's Senior Vice President in charge of retail stores and online stores, Angela alundeci (Angela Ahrendts) also expressed their views: retail store team loved the rich young life activities. Students are constantly growing and learning at the same time, community also became involved in the programming and development and expansion. In our retail store, the best team to educate and inspire the next generation of Apple products, is the most meaningful gift I can think of.
Apple's recent two-year high to participate in volunteer activities, and perhaps the regeneration of programming hours is not as May Lin or October of clean energy projects that need to invest a lot of money, but Apple the importance assigned to this event to open than the other two.
"Programming is an exciting creative expression" Fedrighi the idea is very simple, just like his own personal experiences, so that more children will be able to contact computer education at an early age, let them select do you want to learn to program, not because the school does not teach this course will lose an opportunity to choose.
Vice President of Apple's answer: "programming one hour" meaning where
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Categories: Apple
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