Rex was looking forward to the faithful is not the same !!! (Techno> ω <) Techno Microsoft Surface Surface Pro 4 series all the way up the top with this high-end, from beginning to end are the eyes of Satsuma mandarin with fantasy Yiping, because it feels Surface series out people wearing suits and dresses deep pockets ... (* 'v` *) Okay this is my own in a strange setting, Surface Pro 4 with the same period launched Surface Book uproar caused by science and technology circle, many PC T TV plant should all weep in the corner, the software giant Microsoft is even out of the mainstream hardware products "laptop" in the end was beaten to death who want ~~~~~~~
However, we first put aside Surface Book it not listed, please eyeing 11/19 to be listed Surface Pro 4, hey electric otter girl robbed an engineering machine back to play, almost back to electricity when Rex Lab To cause riots (((゚ д ゚))) Camera not ready Otter Otter have already demolished the cleaners came up ... Well, look at our home movies Emma super complete description of it ♥
After watching the film is not that it is full of the d (`· ∀ ·) b that today's presentation on this ... strange !! haha ~ after the course is finished movie Mikan rush down for himself a good try it ♥ Surface Pro 4 Specifications How?
292 * 201 * 8.45mm (thinner than the Surface Pro 3) Size does not necessarily depend on the weight of the contents m3: 766 克, i5: 786 克, i7: 786 g (all lighter than the Surface Pro 3) Memory 4GB, 8GB, 16GB Storage space 128GB, 256GB, 512GB 12.3-inch screen is 3: 2 ratio Resolution of 2736 * 1824 (267 PPI) 500-pixel front camera 8 million pixel main camera Full-size USB 3.0 * 1 microSD card reader * 1 Headphone jack * 1 Mini DisplayPort
Look down all the way from specification to know why the Surface series flagship "both flat and also laptop" combo (Editor's note: 12/1 Update), completely away a laptop specifications Well it !! And with a physical keyboard cover an integral sense came out Hello
And the tip is replaceable Oh !! more delicate touch can be replaced with a pen - but this redesigned breath pressure-sensitive stylus raised to 1024 order, the last time to participate in Satsuma with Shenluoning Surface Pro 4 will be published Invite powerful when graffiti creators to share, feel super useful XDD when they try painting on the big screen Surface Pro 4 how to use them?
Very accurate face recognition login To turn the appearance finally read it ha ha ha !! Surface Pro 4 have said to be very powerful, "face recognition login", several editors are tested his face still full of quasi-yeah !! surprised - where you can choose the login Face, PIN code or password three methods, with face really quickly
The resolution then with Dolby stereo speakers, Mandarin will think this is entertainment special machine used to it ... really suitable for white-collar jobs it XDD Directed with such a good sound quality, Satsuma spend a lot of time visiting the Windows Marketplace ... ... Download the "every day across the street" !! (fans of the Rex: What a waste !!!!) Nest day, with superior picture quality with stereo to play every day to cross the road a lot. Too. Addiction, girl ring have a saying, "the more expensive the package more to carry the casual" ~ Yes, the hardware specifications of the more luxurious the more easy to play ♥
And! While playing can also take pictures side edge video! There is a mysterious windows out of it just press "Windows key + G" will jump XBOX game control interface, handsome dead ~ Windows 10 operating better get started
Although the beginning accustomed to using Win10 may be smaller, but very high-tech feel of the interface Satsuma himself liked it wants (fans of the otter: u simply Microsoft control bar = =) Win10 feature film presentation before some of Lala are used quite easily, this is a task window - you can quickly see all the work you have.
Surface Pro 4 small sum Hey since Surface Pro 4 can only borrow a few hours, so Mikan d up play with photographs, screen shots are all "Titicaca twice by the pen's tail" is automatically intercepted, but also to choose the interception range oh pictures are now a large number of game videos every day across the street to get out of it how? !! dispatched to the full-size USB 3.0 jacks friends !!
At this time there is a flat full-size USB jack is really a very happy thing ... (〃∀〃) Overall Surface Pro 4 has several advances: More light and a higher proportion of screen
Quite accurate face recognition The newly designed magnetic stylus, 1024 Order delicate sense of pressure Physical keyboard cover keyboard playing more like a laptop Surface Pro 4 Satsuma think there is a great feature ... is that it is difficult to Collider ah !! how to cafe to a lone one orchard appears Surface Pro 4 ... ai describe this strange (˘ • ω • ˘), but every time I see someone with a Surface Satsuma always feel admiration and envy on the outside, mainly envy ~ haha !!
Microsoft "Surface Pro 4" Behind the Scenes
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