Friday, 25 December 2015

Love so amazing why would couples?

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This year the "ten refuse" situation is not uncommon, in Twitter, a fresh heat Reject reason turned out the reason: don't want to have a husband. According to this Tweet publishers said, one of his buddies say to goddess was rejected, although very sad, reason to really make people laugh too much. Twitter SMS screenshot of the show, the "Goddess," says: "you're good, character, I don't really care about appearance, but heard two people together will become like so......"

Vibe Online couples face from interest

Do you really have a husband?

Discuss marriage issues in various books, articles, jokes, love comic books, you may find some similar views, of which the most common is "couples couples living together for a long time." In real life, we often find that a lot of couples or couples are very similar.

Published in March 2006 in the journal personality and individual differences (Personality and Individual Differences), a study in the journal Science shows there in couple, the study recruited 22 participants, 11 each for men and women. In the study, which 22 people of 160 couples of looks, personality and age was evaluated. They first saw some pictures of men and women, respectively, but do not know what are a couple of photos. But at the time of the evaluation, they have similar appearance and character of men and women consistently identified as husband and wife. The researchers also found that longer lives together, the couple looks more similarities.

Then why would it have a husband?

Live couples become more similar First of all, people's life experiences reflected on the end from physical characteristics. Happy smiling people, regular exercise facial muscles, so there will be some laugh lines on the face. An elderly couple years of life experiences, whether happy or not, will be reflected in their faces. Couples with eat to live, understand each other, our deep feelings, heart. People tend to unconsciously imitate another talking-do facial expressions and actions, over time, a subtle, facial muscle movement are complementary, and to move in the other direction, forming a natural habit, what psychologists call the "silent empathy effect". This kind of "one love" mimics the movement of facial muscles nerve induction itself, looks to amend, even changing eye wrinkles, face, nose, and mouth are similar up slowly. Meanwhile, a couple long Kiss, hug, sexual harmony meet your skin hunger action, couples also face similar played a role in accelerating the process. Two people living together longer, higher similarity.

University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc did an experiment to verify this. By analyzing and comparing the couple he had just met and after 25 years of photos, couple really was more like conclusions are drawn. Happy couples get along well and look more alike.

We like people who like us

We like to grow as a person, because they are usually, and we have similar personality traits. Canada University of Wei Shidun (University of Western Ontario), one researcher found that when people choose friends or romantic partners, genetic similarity one-third of the weight in the selection criteria. People often subconsciously think, and getting along with his people with similar genetic traits may become more harmonious, so people looking for friends, when choosing a husband or wife, will be looking for some hints clues--such as physical appearance, genetic similarity or similarity of character.

1, mark

A study conducted jointly by several universities shows that women prefer men like their fathers, even no blood relationship of sons and daughters have the same preference. Involved in the research of Hungary University of Pécs (University of Pecs) researcher Masi·boruisike (Tamas Bereczkei) refer to this phenomenon as "imprint". In other words, women tend to their father as the standard, and to choose their future mate. The study also found that, close father and daughter relationship often leads to daughters eventually married similar men with their father. Similarly, close father and daughter also tends to set a model for the daughter of her husband's image, this is what we call the "imprint". As soon as people start to mate choice decisions "husband".

2, Oedipus

"Imprinting" in Freud is known as the "Oedipus complex". He believes that children grow up to 4~5sui when Oedipus Electra, parents often became his idol, boy fantasy took mother as his wife (MOM), while girls fantasies grew up to marry the father (dad), this complex will also affect adults choose mates. Because their appearance and certainly similar to the parents, you see they have a couple of people, to think that the TA as their parents, so as to generate goodwill.

3, spouse identification mechanism

Have described "imprint" MAS Sen also pointed out that the subconscious has a "spouse identification mechanism". Often unnoticed, and subconsciously, based on their similarity to choice of spouse. Looks like husband and wife, have the same good genes are more likely, for gifted students has some benefits. In psychology, said spouses identification mechanisms are subject to similar laws of sexual attraction.

Similarity law of attraction is that, inside of people like yourself, even if you're not beautiful; see people similar to themselves, will feel familiar, déjà vu feeling habits tend to the TA's approval. So, from the marriage of "matching hypothesis", people are easy to choose partners who are like in appearance, it is "not family, not a door," the truth.

All in all, genetically similar and common life experiences are a couple of important reasons similar to long. People want to find a like themselves, and her model husband (exemplary wife) partners, but also want to find a can work together to grow old, well-kept partner. The coincidence is, when together with love after experiencing the ups and downs of life, people will be surprised to find yourself really love more like it! From: one mind.

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