According to technology website TechRadar reports, compared to the phone and Tablet market with a booming, PC markets were truly miserable hide. IDC expects PC sales will continue to decline in the fourth quarter of this year, but the enterprise market for tidal and listing of new hybrid PC will inject a shot for the PC market.
In products such as mobile phones and Tablet sales grow red, a peaceful climate at the same time, PC market has had a pretty miserable. According to the latest IDC data showed fourth quarter decline in sales in the PC market remains inescapable fate.
IDC expects PC shipments in the fourth quarter of this year is likely to fall by 10%, 2015 PC market shrank by $ 10.3% for the year and, in addition, weak PC demand will continue early next year. But at the end of the year 2016, PC market will usher in a small climax, for companies to market replacement will be concentrated at that time.
IDC said: "as the Windows 10 per cent increase, coupled with the aging of many computers, we expect business users at the end of 2016 concentrates on larger purchases. This situation also happened in 2014, when Windows 7 instead of the once-flourishing Windows XP. ”
Weak sales 2015
This year's PC sales decline for many reasons, such as a stronger dollar, lower merchandise margins and higher inventories. In addition, Smartphone and Tablet's best selling has had a huge impact on traditional PC, but the IDC remained optimistic about the performance of the PC market in the future.
IDC's PC market Director, Lauren said: "Although the Smartphone and tablet devices have been integrated into our lives, but it did not completely give up PC, only reduce replacement frequency. ”
Given the weakness of consumer demand, PC makers will focus on enterprise and education markets in the future. In addition, the Windows of 10 may also be one of the important causes of weak PC sales. Previously, Windows operating systems have always been the charging policy, consumers are more willing to purchase a new PC, but this year is different, Windows 10-free policy is adopted, many consumers simply upgraded.
However, because Windows 10 optimization of new equipment have been strengthened, such as the two in one portable PC, so the mixing equipment sales is bullish. Although that could further erode the viability of traditional PC, but the PC market remained a major cause for optimism for the future.
IDC: enterprise marketing and mixing equipment PC market shot
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Categories: Technology
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