Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Beautiful witch! 40 Vivian Sun-19 years of age as the mother and child had not changed

Posted by admin on 08:14:00 with No comments
December 9, according to Taiwan media reports, 40 years old actress Vivian Hsu in August gave birth to baby son, and named Dalton, to guard the first successful production, suffer from prolonged bed rest, get 300-pin tocolysis, postpartum care of children grow up in person, together with rehabilitation of muscular strength, showing steely mother, relatives, friends and fans a very moving! And she's getting back to the goddess dress up, still wearing heels returning to 11 months, but leg muscles soon, 8th Tan photo 19, recalled the mother company's Idol career, and fans are amazing, as any she faces 19 years old right now, someone asks, "this is yesterday's photo, right? ”

In the photo, Vivian Hsu, wearing a white coat, grey top, focus on playing with dog, red beauty around him are his mother, wearing a white headband, 2 people have deep and delicate features, shallow smile, charismatic. Described her Sun-picture day is 19 years old, mother company worked together to take pictures.

Users see Vivian share photos, amazing frozen age of magic, "is now the same as 19, hasn't changed, as young and beautiful! "Responded" you are 19 years old just like yesterday! "ETTODAY/

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