Companies including JPMorgan Chase and Wal-Mart will launch mobile payment products. Market-research firm eMarketer estimates that by 2019 through mobile phones in-store terminals to complete the transaction a total value of us $ 210 billion, up from US $ 8.7 billion in 2015. Banks and retailers, with Apple Apple Pay and Google Android competition there is a big opportunity to Pay, and which can help them save the transaction fees.
Crone Consulting CEO lichadede·kelong (Richard Crone), said: "by the end of next year, all 11 of debit card and credit card-issuing party is going to launch mobile payment service. Retailers are the same. Retailers are not doing anything will be the biggest loser. ”
Key will be the cost of this competition and user data. Accept credit card payment, retailers have to pay fees. In addition, the retailer is hoping to gain more users pay data. Banks do not want to use Apple Pay to pay the costs. Therefore, financial institutions and retailers are developing their own mobile payment services.
Following is a 2016 concern several mobile pay service:
1.Chase Pay
JPMorgan Chase plans to launch in 2016 for mobile money services. According to a survey by the Federal Reserve, all bank accounts of the United States among smartphone users, more than half of the people have used the mobile banking application.
JPMorgan's consumer and Community Bank CEO Gordon Smith (Gordon Smith) in October, Money20/20 said in a keynote speech at the Conference, planned for 94 million user accounts associated cards in advance, users only need to accept the terms to be used directly. JPMorgan's desire to all the company's card into the mobile wallet, and plans to support Apple, Samsung Pay Pay and other similar services.
2. Wal-Mart Pay
In 2016, first half of Wal-Mart in the United States of all its stores will accept payments through mobile applications. About 22 million Wal-Mart consumers are using this application. It supports prices, offer discounts, which will also support the user will debit card and credit card information is saved in the application.
MCX is an association founded in August 2012, including Wal-Mart and target. The organization is application testing CurrentC 200 stores in Columbus, Ohio. The application has not been to the United States nationwide. MCX CEO bulaien·Muni (Brian Mooney), said: "mobile payments success not only in the area of a home, we want to be one of them. ”
4.Apple Pay
Despite the growing pains in 2015, but brush mobile payments, Apple Pay remains the market leader. However, Apple paid Pay the shop features the newest iPhone is required to support.
5.Android Pay
Acquisition United States 3 mobile operator, after developing the Softcard, Google has redesigned mobile money services. The company said December 15, there are millions of users register new Android Pay, most of which is the first Android phone card shopping.
6. Samsung Pay
Samsung last August in Korea released Samsung Pay, and in September the service into the United States market. By October, the United States market Samsung Pay per user average transaction volume has reached 8. With Android and Apple Pay Pay different Samsung mobile payment services support the older in-store terminals, so it can cover more people. However, only relatively new to use Samsung Galaxy mobile users Pay.
PayPal shopping via the Smartphone users in a variety of ways, including Macy's and Home Depot stores. In 2016, the company will introduce a new feature that supports users to store brushes in mobile payments, strengthen competitiveness as compared to Android and Apple Pay Pay. PayPal currently has 173 million active users, and support the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy and other Android phones.
Although users accept speed, but competition is fierce in the area of mobile payment. According to Bankrate's Money Pulse Survey, households earning more than $ 75,000 in United States households, only about 1% are expected to use mobile money when shopping during the holiday season.
PayPal global Senior Director of project anushi·nayaer (Anuj Nayar), said: "the reality is, there is no company controls the in-store experience. ”
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