Reuters/us Poussot poll published today found that after the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, United States voters, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with his Democratic rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the candidate is the best way to solve the terrorism problem.
Reuters reported that between November 16 and 17th interviewed 1106, 20% select the Trump (Donald Trump), percentage of respondents chose Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton).
Background of Hillary as Secretary of State, she has performed brilliantly in this poll may not be surprising, but Trump performance, showing Paris 13th after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked, a growing group of voters in the Republican presidential candidate leading the Trump has another thought.
Some polling experts previously predicted that Republican voters will favor establishment candidates such as Florida Senator Lu Biou (Marco Rubio) and former Florida Governor Jeb? Bush (Jeb Bush), the two men are considered, than to Trump and his main Republican opponent, retired physician Carson (Ben Carson) is good at foreign policy. Trump and Carson had no government experience, to run for election as the political element.
Trump 14th campaign attacked Paris in strict gun control laws, he told the rally crowd, if the victim had a gun, "things will be very different." He also said that closing some mosques to prevent radical Muslims in the United States to launch attacks.
And major national poll results are similar, Clinton and Donald Trump in this Reuters ╱ Poussot (Reuters/Ipsos) also occupies the leading polls. Asked who is the best candidate of the Democratic Party, 50% 2 Democrats select Hillary Clinton, asked the nominee for the Republicans who would be President, 30% 3-choice Trump.
17% respondents, as Hawk of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) member of RS Europe can best deal with terrorism issues, ciyuchuanpu. Carson and Jeb? The Bush side by side, about 9% of respondents support.
Poll: can trump most terrorism
Posted by doll on 06:45:00 with No comments
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