Australia, according to a survey found that the more couples married for 3 years, 27% women and 54% men want more sex, then, United States the Prevention Magazine's leading sexologist, given four "ignition" function words, often says that not only can enhance sex drive, can also make sex more passionate.
"Now." Some women have sex in the evening, while most men want to have sex in the morning. Psychologist Terry? aobuqi Dr, we must first understand each other like reasons for having sex at different times. Men are very tired after a day's work, sparkle in the morning; his wife going to send their children to school in the morning, is more relaxed in the evening. Sex time if both sides can reach a compromise, can thank each other's thoughtful and careful. When the other party when asked when, saying "now wanted to" rapidly mobilize emotions of sex.
"Want more". Women express their sexual desires are very important. United States Department of applied health science at Indiana University researcher at the Derby? said Dr hebonike, a woman in men's action, said, "awesome, I want more," will let the two sides are farther apart.
"Wow". Female body shape after giving birth, sex will worry about their performance, then, with amazing words to praise each other's behavior or health is very important. United States University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine researchers say "wow" or "great" such a simple word, can lift each other confidence making sex a lot easier.
"Hi". A simple greeting can open the intimate communication. Studies suggest that women need to feel close to have sex. Women in particular have a negative emotion, men care and understanding is very important. Persist in using the Word open your Exchange to resolve their differences, thereby enhancing emotional and physical intimacy.
Before sex to "ignite" a few words
Posted by doll on 08:25:00 with No comments
Categories: SEX
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