Sunday, 25 October 2015

Worse after surgery necessitated Odom 12 stroke

Posted by doll on 06:07:00 with No comments
United States TMZ Web site report, have since been transferred to a hospital in Los Angeles, NBA Los Angeles Lakers star before lamaeraoduomu's condition started deteriorating, he also received 2 emergency surgeries. It is reported that Odom once appeared 12 times stroke during the operation, which to a large extent, affected his mobility.

It is reported that doctors have carried out a series of tests on Odom's brain and found that the above mentioned stroke. Although the stroke did not affect the vital organs of Odom, but according to the information we have, this walking and talking to Lamar Odom will have some effect.

Odom's team did not say whether this damage is permanent, but he need to undergo several months of physical therapy, and the doctors don't know Lamar's mobility and ability to speak were able to return to it. For now, Odom main obstacles faced by his kidneys. He went on dialysis, and may require a kidney transplant.

Because of Odom's condition is not good, doctors have called for a ban on visitors to visit him. It is reported that Odom's room is available 24 hours a day by a security guard, and this cost will be paid by the Kardashians.


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