Unmanned aerial vehicle uses more and more, such as monitoring sporting events, aerial surveys, and so on, bring convenience to the users at the same time, but also to the "Peeping Tom" or law enforcement officials a great deal of trouble and a security risk. It may be hovering in the vicinity of your house uninvited, or flying near the military base to play voyeur. Drone shot down by capture or news are also frequently reported. Although one shot it's not a hard thing, but if or crowded places in the downtown area, this may cause unexpected damage to ground.
Drone sniper rifle
Gently defuse threat of drones
Recently published a new "drone sniper gun" can be used to stop the rampage of drone and does not have to be in the air burst. This gun uses a radio pulse jamming UAV communication system, forcing it to either return or landing. This gun through radio jamming systems, owners unable to regain control of the drone. This system is the world's "first Pocket precision against weapons systems", that is that. To deal with suspicious or hostile flying drones in the sky is very effective, can provide a vital security protection.
False information purpose of return or landing
"Drone sniper gun" by United States Columbus, Ohio innovation developed, the system from the point of view is like a rifle. Its working principle is that drone by transmitting radio pulses to break and control communication and issue false information, thought he had range has been exceeded. Such drones built-in security programs will start, or go back to the host, either hover in place or land as soon as possible. Anti-radio jamming systems configured on unmanned machine gun, also stopped owners regain control of UAV drones.
"Drone sniper gun" drones play a maximum power of close to 400 metres in the air. Can be launched within 0.1 seconds after the start, reserve power can make it last for more than five hours. While the entire weapon system weighing less than 4.5 kg, can be used easily as individual weapon carried, and the operation is very simple.
U phase or the next dispensing
The Project Director and senior researcher Dan·sitanmu said, "the gun for a variety of situations, such as unmanned aerial vehicle trespass to the White House lawn, flew over military base or Embassy of spying. In addition, prisons, schools, places of interest, this sniper rifle can be equipped with to prevent drones of misconduct, it is easy to dispel the threat of drones.
This weapon has been US military phase, is expected to be rationed American soldiers next year. At present, this system is Washington's United States Army Association shows. Company plans to begin in 2016 to sell such an unmanned machine gun, the federal authorities, and also to expand overseas markets.
Superior AUDS system
8 kilometers outside the drone of "disability"
Using radio waves to deal with incoming drones, "anti-unmanned machine gun" is not alone. Recently, another anti-drone weapons are also commercial unmanned aerial vehicle exhibition appearance in Las Vegas. This system is called "counter-UAV defence system (AUDS)", can also give the drone in the air "disability".
10-15 second "closed" drones
AUDS through high energy radio frequency suppression systems send radio waves, effectively block communications for unmanned air, with its "off". Producers say, whether a single drone or cluster strikes, AUDS just 10-15 seconds to complete the positioning and blocking enemy actions. Its role can range up to 5 miles (8 km).
Sell Liteye vice like·sangdange of the device said, "as long as the visible, to do it. "The company," said AUDS system in remote rural areas, stop the drones being used in a terrorist attack, espionage or other malicious actions. Like·sangdange hopes to sell the system airports or other security measures in place at higher levels.
Soft kill capabilities are attractive
AUDS soft kill capability of its military, internal and border security forces of excellent choices. In the case of not needed or appropriate action much fanfare using AUDS are low-key, the consequences can deliver a powerful message. This weapon can be used to intercept civilian UAV, but does not affect the use of encrypted communications commercial or military aircraft.
A basketful of drone
UAV scurrying around in the air and can easily lead to accidents, especially in the vicinity of the airport, flights taking off and landing is a very big threat.
On July 17, the United States California San Bernardino, fire departments in the fire-fighting task performs a Highway 5 in dangerous airspace while chasing each other drones, cause a fire-fighting helicopter operation and return early.
On July 21, Poland Warsaw, Germany Lufthansa airliner landing nearly collided with an unmanned aircraft, less than a hundred metres away from both sides. Air traffic control closed airspace, the plane changed course more than 20 aircraft to land.
On July 23, India Mumbai Police announced the arrest of a real estate site employee, that employee is accused of using unmanned aerial India highly sensitive Atomic Research Centre.
For the general public, the drone photographed, potential privacy issues arising from the harassment should not be ignored. Drone flew over the homes, farms and businesses, essentially making them bring people into a "surveillance society", everyone is tracked, monitored and reviewed.
In April, a drone appeared in a private house in Southern California and kept circling. Owners Lali·Bulu found out through the front door with a shotgun after drone shot down. His friend took this crazy scene with his mobile phone. Bloom considered neighbor manipulating the drone, belonging to the malicious harassment.
In August, the United States, Kentucky, when two teenage girls at home in the Sun, found a drone hovering overhead. The girl's father did, grabbed a shotgun shoot drones. Meridies homes before she flew, the drones also have "harassed" near home. Neighbors Jin·fanmeite have a 16 year old daughter likes to lie by the pool. Fan Meite said, "(UAVs) hovering above our home, stayed for a while, and finally my daughter waved at it, it flew away. ”
Us drone kills up to 90%!
If the drone of ordinary people's lives and disturbance of the social order were not particularly dangerous words, then the United States military drones are truly always took the lives of innocent victims.
Manslaughter is much more than the White House acknowledged
On October 15, "volley" website, a series of United States drone program information source was an unnamed source who leaked a confidential file. Confidential files showed that United States drone project the number of people killed compared with far more publicly acknowledged by the White House.
In Afghanistan carried out a special operation "hay man" practices, according to a report, during the during the last 5 months of operations, drone strikes caused by 90% of the victims are non-targets. Archives also show that from January 2012 to February 2013, United States special forces air raids left more than 200 dead. Of these, only 35 were the intended target.
United States lied about "resulted in no civilian casualties"
"Volley" the site believes that these findings contradict the White House and the Pentagon about drone strikes precisely, almost caused no civilian casualties, often spoken of.
Archives show that US military relied heavily on so-called "signals intelligence" – from phones, calculators and data-communications intercept-in Somalia and Yemen and other countries implementing targeted drone attacks. However, the leaked report said geography will have a significant impact on us drone strike. Leaked reports that United States is unable to aim of round-the-clock surveillance, mistakes are inevitable, the report attributed the limitations of "the tyranny of distance".
Outlook end drone UAV
In modern warfare, drones getting far. Them behind enemy lines on reconnaissance and intelligence, is also capable of launching missiles destroy enemy ground targets. But in the near future, they may encounter on the battlefield from the same door buster---special eradication of unmanned drones. Current American combat UAVs, there are two ways, one is from the ground air defense weapons to destroy, the other is dispatched fighter jets to intercept. But the costs are very high in two ways, the Americans think not worthwhile, therefore sprout "unmanned aerial vehicles UAV" idea. The Pentagon has received a huge sum of money, which specialized in "unmanned killers." Envisaged that the "killer drone" of small size, low cost, durable. Can launch weapons target drones in the air, "to kill", also can hit the enemy troops.
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